Welcome to Musicline Editor RegistrationForm! DISCLAIMER: Musicline will not be responsible for any loss caused by the mailing service, so for your own sake, try to send the money in the safest possible way, like Eurocheque or PG. We will not send you the registered version if not all of the questions below are filled in properly or we haven't received the money! Musicline Editor Registration Form: First name: Last name: Address: Postal Address: Country: Birth date: Phone nr: * Fax nr: * Modem nr: Occupation: * Handle: * Group: * Group occupation: Computer: CPU: OS: Memory (Chip/Fast): / Modem: BBS Password: The BBS password is for Musicline support BBS. "Groove Central" +46-16-350028 Update Password: The Update password will be used when you want to download your latest version of Musicline Editor from "Groove Central" +46-16-350028 * = Optional Fill in the form above and mail PAYMENT and a DISK with THIS FILE to: Christian Cyréus or: John Carehag Fregattvägen 9 Lövgård 1276a 181 37 Lidingö 635 09 Eskilstuna Sweden Sweden The PG numbers are only for Swedes! (Betala gärna med Postgiro. Skriv Namn, födelsedatum och Musicline på blanketten och glöm inte att skicka disken!): Christian: John: PGnr: 600 40 82-1 Pgnr: 639 44 07-8 To pay for registration, enclose a Eurocheque or bills according to the amounts below (OBS! No coins!): If you want to recieve the bug updates just after the release date, then you will have to pay for the Disk and Mailing before the release, otherwise you'll have to find out yourself when a new version is released, and then get it from our BBS, Groove Central Prices: Registration: Disk and Mailing (read above): Sweden: 160 SKR Sweden: 20 SKR Norway: 140 NOK Norway: 20 NOK Denmark: 120 DKK Denmark: 20 DKK Finland: 100 FMK Finland: 15 FMK U.K.: 13 UK£ U.K.: 2 UK£ U.S.A.: 20 US$ U.S.A.: 3 US$ Germany: 30 DEM Germany: 4 DEM France: 100 FFR France: 15 FFR If you don't live in any of the above mentioned countries, please send the money in either one of the currencies (preferably in SKR). When you've become a registered user of Musicline Editor you'll recieve a personified version of the program. You'll get the bug updates for free, you´ll just have to pay the mailing and the disk but not if you call Groove Central then you will get it for free. When you´re a registered user and send us something you MUST tell us your Name and ID Number! If you use PG, then type your Name and ID Number on the PG form. We welcome you to become a registered user of Musicline Editor! The staff of Musicline.